Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Ab Factor

The Ab Factor Free Online Research Papers This article may be one of the most informative passages to what many may refer to as the fitness â€Å"bible†. It is the clearest, most concise version I have ever seen. For many followers and non believers, this may very well be a sure trip to the six pack promise land. Being that I am a part-time health concise individual (notice I said part-time), I have tried to explain to people that no matter how hard you work those stomach muscles, they won’t see the light of day until you loose the excess body fat. Theoretically speaking the mid section is and always will be the first body fat on last body fat off. The first subject this article brings to light is genetics. Genetics may not be the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of hidden abs, but it is definitely a major one so let’s do the math. The shape of the abdominals is decided at birth and can not be changed by merely exercise alone. One must maintain a healthy diet in addition to exercise to help maintain the balance of this equation. Another factor the article takes into consideration is body fat. This is considered the most important but often ignored factor of them all. The percent of body fat must be lowered in order for your abs to show up. This could be anywhere from eleven to a super lean look of six percent. Simple mathematics but a not so simple process. Speaking of a not so simple process comes the nutrition factor. The article speaks about â€Å"eating clean† and eliminating bad foods from your diet. Can’t get a â€Å"six pack† eating a chocolate bar or a cheese burger. A good nutrition plan starts in the kitchen and in my opinion, should stay there. Keeping yourself fully hydrated is also essential by dinking plenty of water. This is definitely a plus because it aids in maintaining a healthy diet by satisfying food cravings. After all the genetics, the body fat, and the nutrition comes the most dreaded of them all, exercise. The article states that primary training is the biggest mistake people make when going for the wash board look. The main focus needs to be on resistance training that includes the entire body and not just the mid section alone. This can be achieved by using compound lifts, body weights and sprint training to focus on what they call the bodies metabolic hot spots. These areas include the back, lower body and chest. Cardio would be a good kick start for the metabolism as well as a full body work out. In summary, the best way to achieve the ultimate set of abs is not to focus on that area alone but the entire body. If you are trying to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, you need to understand what makes you gain and lose weight (or stay them same). Everyone has a Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the basic rate at which you burn calories. If you eat more calories than your BMR on a daily basis, you will gain weight. If you eat less, you lose weight and if you eat right at your BMR, you stay the same. Taking this into consideration, its not about the 500 crunches, its about the 500 extra calories. Cutting back on certain food, exercising regularly and being consistent is the only way you can get to the square root of the problem, the ab factor! Research Papers on The Ab FactorMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Spring and AutumnIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Genetic EngineeringEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMind TravelPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males

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