Saturday, January 11, 2020

Thesis guideline

PACE Mission To transform PACE Into a Stationery's that produces world class human resources, products, technologies and information for people empowerment and sustainable development. FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to serve as a guide to both degree candidates and faculty members in the preparation and final production of the capstone project that meets criteria of a scholarly work In the field of Information Technology (IT).While the excellence of the content of the capstone project is the responsibility of the Oral Examination Committee, Institute of Engineering and Computer Studies prescribes he actual format of the capstone project documentation. This is done to establish an Institutional standard of presentation and to satisfy other specifications placed upon the College In terms of publishing the final document. The specifications herein are designed for Internal consistency as a measure of reliability.Degree candidates preparing a capstone project are strongly advised to read and follow the style and format of this manual carefully. Introduction A capstone project is a culminating activity that generates an output useful in the development of Information Technology (IT) solutions. This may be but not limited to application development that focuses on software engineering processes or application design that focuses on effective testing procedure or a study on for graduation in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology programs as indicated in COM # 53, s. 006 or the â€Å"Revised Policies and Standards for IT Education† for the undergraduate program and COM # 7, s. 2010. The capstone project is a terminal project requirement that would not only demonstrate a student's comprehensive knowledge of the area of study and research methods used but also low them to apply the concepts and methods to a specific problem in his/her area of specialization. BBS Information Technology students must complete a capstone project in the form of an IT application, a Multimedia System development, or an IT Management project. (COM # 53 s. 006 & COM # 7 s. 2010) This Capstone Project Manual aims to standardize the process of conducting capstone project in the Institute (ICES) particularly in the field of Information Technology, and thereby improving the quality of capstone project output submitted by students as well as faculty researchers. This manual specifically aims: 1. To come up with a uniform format of writing the documentation of an capstone project in the undergraduate as well as faculty researches or projects; 2. To establish guidelines in the evaluation of capstone projects; 3.To ensure a quality output from our students; and 4. To serve as a guide for faculty members doing capstone project advising. Capstone Project A Capstone Project is an undertaking appropriate to a professional field. It should significantly address an existing problem or need. An Information Technology Capstone Project focuses on the infrastruct ure, application, or processes involved in introducing a Computing solution to a problem. Scope of the Capstone Project The Capstone Project should integrate the different courses, knowledge, and competencies learned in the curriculum.Students are encouraged to produce innovative results, generate new knowledge or theories, or explore new frontiers of knowledge or application areas. The recommended infrastructure and its implications on other system should be clearly specified in the final report with the introduction of the project. The capstone project adviser should determine the appropriate complexity level of he specific problem being addressed and the proposed solution, considering the duration of the project, the composition of the team, and the resources available.Suggested Areas of study for Capstone Project in Information Technology Following is a list of suggested areas of study. Software Development 0 Software Customization 0 Information System Development for an actual client (with pilot testing) 0 Web Applications Development (with at least alpha testing on live servers) 0 Mobile Computing Systems Multimedia Systems 0 e-Learning Systems 0 Interactive Systems 0 Information KiosksNetwork Design and Implementation and Server Farm Configuration and Management IT Management 0 IT Strategic Plan for sufficiently complex enterprises 0 IT Security Analysis, Planning and Implementation Section 1 FORMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AN APPROVED CAPSTONE PROJECT Project Proposal Preparation and Defense Guidelines 1 . After passing the SAD and Software Engineering Course, the students may start preparing their outline in consultation with their approved adviser and the members of their Advisory committee.The Advisory committee will later also serve as panel to evaluate the paper. 2. The research topic, as much as possible, should be in consonance with the College (PACE) vision and mission and the Institute of Engineering goals and objectives and/or to the local/national r esearch and development thrust. 3. The outline of the proposal should conform to the standard form and style prescribed by the PACE – Institute of Engineering and Computer Extraordinariness of Computer Science and Technology (ICES-DUST). 4.If the Students are ready to defend his/her proposal, and upon the endorsement of the adviser to the Capstone project Coordinator, they shall apply for a schedule at their Course Adviser. Once the schedule is approved, the students should furnished 5 copies of their proposal 3 days before the schedule of defense to be submitted to their Course Adviser. 5. The students defend their proposal to the Advisory committee. The committee may approved the proposal if found totally acceptable or defer approval until the recommendations and suggestions have been included, or rejected it if found unacceptable.If the proposal rejected, the students has to undergo the whole process a new. 6. The capstone project adviser and one of the panelists shall tak e note of the suggestions and recommendations of the Committee during the defense and should urines a copy to the student and adviser to serve as guide in making revisions and in the conduct of the research. 7. The member of the committee should see to it that their suggestions or recommendations are included in the revised proposal before signing the approval sheet. . A copy of the approved proposal should submit to their Course Adviser Office maximum of one week after the proposal defense for monitoring the record purposes. Requirements and Procedures o The students are given the option to choose their own groupings. O A group is composed of at least two members, three being the maximum. The Composition of the group must be radiotelegraphs the stages of the o If two of the members dropped from the course, the remaining member may continue the proposed project.

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